What’s Old Is New Again

I remember as a little girl, shopping with my beautiful Mum and she would show me styles that she had worn in her teens, that had come back into fashion. Fast forward to now and many…
First Impressions Count!

Picture this, you have been asked to do a presentation to a sought after client, you have the ideal product/service to suit their business and you know that it will be mutually beneficial to both your…
What should I wear to work?

What should I wear to work? This is a question I am often asked by my clients, as it seems the lines have been blurred somewhat when it comes to business attire. The traditional way…
How to wear florals

Spring is here and floral patterns are always popular at this time of year. So how do you wear florals? The key points to remember are:- Choose colours that compliment your complexion Ensure the pattern…
Add a jacket for a touch of Style

A lovely young Mum asked me recently, “How can I up the ante to look more stylish”? My answer to her was, “Add a jacket to your outfit”. Whether it’s a casual weekend outfit of jeans…
Spring Racing Fever!

Hello Fashionable Fillies – Spring Racing fever is on our door step! Time to bring out your femininity and let your personality shine. I personally love this time of year, Spring flowers, warm sunshine and…
Enclothed Cognition

Have you ever heard the term “Enclothed Cognition”? I was reading an article recently on this topic and it basically means that aspects of your thoughts, are shaped by your body! In other words, what we…